GZG NSL Panzergrenadiers were amongst the first figures I ever painted for 15mm. The model selection is fantastic, with both male/female figures and with and without lowered visors. You cannot go wrong with this range.
Here is another example of two armies in one for Alien Squad Leader: Human Imperial and Imperial Strike Force. The Imperial Strike Force is made up of power armor units and support vehicles. This is my smallest force for ASL, with only 4 tactical squads, 1 assault and 1 devastator squad, with sufficient armored support to fill out to 150 points. Of course the Human Imperial army is much larger.
The army consists of:
3 Command Squads, 13 pts ea
11 Infantry Squads, 8 pts ea
2 Power Armor Teams, 12 pts ea
4 Heavy Weapon Squads, 10 pts ea
2 Robotic Infantry Squads, 11 pts ea
2 Recon Droids, 12 pts ea
4 Heavy Droids, 13 pts ea
2 Battle Mecha, 20 pts ea
6 Main Battle Tanks, 18 pts ea
3 Assault Transports, 15 pts ea
2 Armored Vehicles, 13 pts ea
2 Light Recon Vehicles, 7 pts ea
2 Aerospace Fighters, 16 pts ea
4 Imperial Strike Force Tactical Squads, 13 pts ea
1 Imperial Strike Force Assault Squad, 13 pts ea
1 Imperial Strike Force Devestator Squad, 15 pts ea
Alien Squad Leader Army - Human Imperial and Imperial Strike Force |
These infantry models were surprising easy to paint:
Primer: White
Baseboat: airbrushed Tamiya Field Grey armor with Reaper Blue Steel Visors and grey weapons.
Wash: Nuln Oil.
Highlight: Vallejo Field Grey
2nd Highlight: Vallejo Field Grey mixed with Green Grey.
GZG NSL Panzergrenadiers |
GZG NSL Panzergrenadiers |
GZG NSL Panzergrenadiers |
GZG NSL Panzergrenadiers with Heavy Weapons |
GZG NSL Panzergrenadiers with Heavy Weapons |
GZG NSL Panzergrenadiers |
Power Armor teams (GZG) |
Robotic Support |
Battle Mecha (Iron Wind Metal Mechs) |
The Battlemechs were airbrushed with various Tamiya colors: Medium Blue and JA Grey I do believe. They were then washed with Min Way Polyshades Tudor.
Robotic Infantry (Shapeways) |
Recon Droids (GZG) |
Recon Droids were airbrushed in my standard Tamiy Metallic Grey scheme. The Robotic Infantry are models I purchased off of Shapeways. I have several more to complete. They are 3D printed resin and VERY fragile. They were done in the same colors as the vehicles below.
Heavy Droids (Khurasan) |
Heavy Droids (Khurasan) |
The Heavy Droids were airbrushed in Tamiya Medium Grey, washed in Polyshades Min Wax Tudor then highlighted with Vallejo White Grey.
Imperial Strike Force |
The Imperial Strike was done in the same colors as the Panzergrenadiers. However, rather than using a black wash I used Min Wax Polyshades Tudor. This resulted in a lighter base color. This worked out fine for me since I was looking for something similar but different.
Imperial Strike Force Tactical Squads |
Imperial Strike Force Assault Squad |
Imperial Strike Force Devestator Squad |
Armored Transports (Khurasan) |
All of the vehicles were airbrushed in Tamiya paints. These vehicles have already been covered on this blog as has the method of painting.
Armored Transports (Khurasan) |
Armored Vehicle Support (Khurasan) |
Aerospace Fighter Flight (Matchbox toys) |
Light Recon Vehicles (Khurasan) |
Main Battle Tanks (Khurasan) |
Main Battle Tanks (Khurasan) |
Assault Tanks (Khurasan) |
Tank Platoon |
This is the largest 15mm army, figure wise that I currently own. Fat chance of ever using it all.