Saturday, 31 August 2024

Khurasan Miniatures 15mm Feral Parasachnid Bug Horde


I finally got around finishing my bug horde from Khurasan, 32 of these beasts and their big brother.  The recipie is the same as the Beetle bug, so I will not repeat that here.  

The horde consists of 24 regular and 8 flying critters.  I changed their big brother slightly.  I repainted his pincers in the same yellow as the body.  The black was bothering me and I don't know why I did them black.  It took some deft airbrushing work to get it to match perfectly.  

These guys make great "Beast" and "Close Flyer" units in Alien Squad Leader.

"It's clobbering time!"

"Now, hold still..."

These guys were fun to paint.  Simple and straightforward.  They will be accompanying their Ixx masters into battle in the near future.  


  1. Those look really great. Sort of a very creepy Guernsey cattle meets chocolate chip cookie that wants to kill you and you family!
    I painted a set of those many years ago and they've seen many a battle.

    1. Looks like it was a good game! Well done. Large and full table too!


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