Sunday, 11 August 2024

My Gaming Den 3.0

I admit: I am spoiled.  My wife is very accommodating and has allowed me to claim the basement as my own domain.  She is supportive and came up with many of the ideas below. 

Over the years my basement Den has slowly evolved: from an unfinished concrete basement into a cosy warm cave. Lage TV, fireplace, 3 piece washroom, leather sofas, gaming area and plenty of display and storage options.  

For miniature display my den contains 4 large glass display cabinets, 10 wall mounted glass cabinets and 3 wall mounted antique letter press drawers converted into display cabinets. 
Asher is my main gaming opponent.  He usually wins. 

My gaming table is a 6.5 x 4 foot MDF board, with multiple gaming mats.  It is mounted on black resin shelving which holds all my board games, painting supplies and some terrain.  The table is bar height, 40 inches.  Smaller terrain is stored at the side, in a roll around storage bin.  

The side wall has inserts in the wall which hold terrain and buildings.  The two small display cabinets hold my first 28mm figures I ever painted.  Many are horrible or sub par.  I keep them on display to remind myself how much I have improved over the years. 

The TV is my middle son's primary video game area. The larger glass cabinets hold my old Warhammer armies, 8 in total: Chaos Warriors (Khorne, Slaanesh and Nurgle), Dark Elves, Orcs and Goblins, Beasts of Chaos, Ogres and Vampire Counts.  

Two book cases hold all my printed material: RPGs and gaming books. 


Most of the wall mounted cabinets hold my 15mm collection.  

Just outside of the main room is a small alcove under the stairs.  It holds my hobby carts and larger terrain pieces in pull out plastic storage bins.  

This is my space, the place where I come to forget about adulting and be an irresponsible kid again.  


  1. Very nice Darren. A fair few jealous wargamers out here 😁
    My wife let me have a room but not as nice as yours'. (I mean the room not the wife 😂)

    1. 😂 We all have our leashes. Some are longer than others.

  2. Superb Man Cave. Lucky boy to a wonderful wife!

    1. I am lucky. I need to use it more actually. I play very little these days.


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