Friday, 30 August 2024

Khurasan Miniatures 15mm Feral Giant Parasachnid Ogre Beetle

Nobody likes bugs.  Especially yellow alien bugs.  This brute below, the Parasachnid Ogre Beetle is no exception.  He is part of my GZG Ixx horde, painted in the same scheme as those bizarre aliens which hail from the Dark Dimension, beyond Time and Space.

This monstrosity was easy to assemble and paint.

The Beast of Altair VI.

The recipie was:
  • Primed white.
  • Airbrushed in Tamiya Yellow Green, followed by Tamiya Flat Yellow at 45 degree angles.  
  • Airbrushed with Vallejo Model Color Lemon Yellow on the upper most areas.
  • The belly was airbrushed with Citadel Fuegan Orange and Cassendora Yellow.  Citadel Washes flow perfectly through an airbrush and did a nice job of adding interesting contrast to the carpace.  
  • The upper maw was painted with Citadel Contrast Gryph Hound Orange and Iyanden Yellow, followed by Warpstone Green.  
  • The pincers were done in Flat Black as were the spots. I used a brush and an AK Flat Black paint pen for this.  This was very random.  
  • The whole model was washed in Minwax Polyshades Peacan, then sealed with matte varnish.  The Pecan gave a nice warm tone and tied all the colors together. 
  • The maw and mouth were then washed with Citadel Earthshade, Flesh and Sepia washes.  
  • Tamiya pigments were used to highlight the pincers and portions of the legs.

The upper maw spews acidic bile to dissolve prey and ready them for consumption.

For scale: Laserburn Imperial Trooper, GZG Mercenary and GZG Ixx.

Tamiya yellows airbrush like a dream. If I was ever going to do an Imperial Fist army, I would do it in Tamiya yellows.  No fuss, no issues.  Just a perfect coat of yellow, first time, every time.  

I'm pleased with how he turned out.  He will make a fine addition to the Ixx menagerie.

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