Saturday, 14 August 2021

15mm Sci Fi - Alien Squad Leader Armies - Alien Imperial & Alien Warrior Caste

 It has been awhile since I have made an army level entry.  These guys have been in a couple of blog posts, but this is the first time I managed to get everything in one place.

This force doubles as two different factions in Alien Squad Leader Games: Alien Imperial and Alien Warrior Caste.  My middle son is a big Halo fan, so I painted them up to look like the Covenant (as much as I could)

Alien Squad Leader Armies - Alien Imperial & Alien Warrior Caste

The Imperials are the highest technology force available in the game.  Equipped with both Superior Energy Weapons and Superior Energy Shields, and the abundance of Aiming Device upgrades, they are able to hit hard and often, all while reducing the effect of damage that might otherwise cripple other armies units.  Imperial units are not numerous.  Their high point cost means that every stand lost is a blow.  To supplement their forces they use a variety of Primitive units.  Some are equipped with primitive small arms with limited range and effectiveness, while others are armed with hand to hand weapons only or are made up of packs of wild beasts, more unleashed than controlled.  The biggest issue with the army is the vast unit selection they have.  So many toys and never enough points.

Warrior Caste is a variation of the Imperials.  They lack the energy weapons and shields and other technology upgrades.  However, their basic infantry is equipped with Power Armor across the board, and they have access to a number of upgraded Primitive Units to add to their numbers.  Curiously, they are also required to take 1 Mobile Artillery vehicle per 100 points.  Sadly, Warrior Caste armies do not have access to Robotic units.  They prefer to do the killing themselves, along with their loyal allied forces  

Command Stands and Characters of various types

I chose to represent both armies with a variety of miniatures, from both Khurasan and GW.  The 40K miniatures are big enough to work with the Khurasan figures and I had them lying around doing nothing.  The Soriog can be mixed and matched together to form more infantry stands if needed.  Four is just what I put on the stands for show.  The number of miniatures is irrelevant for the game itself.

Soriog Infantry units

Heavy Weapon Stands

Heavy Droids
The Grav tanks are also from Khurasan.  I needed something large enough to fit in scale wise with the Soriog.  It works (kind of).  Suspension of disbelief is required.  

Ultra Tanks and Ultra Transports (Grav)

Phase Tanks (Walkers) & a single Imperial Attack Craft

The Primitive units can be fielded as a mix of Fighters & Shooters, or as all Fighters (mixing the figures together).  

Lhurgg Commanders

Trained Creatures (Space Demons)

Mobile Artillery are represented by Tau Broadside Battlesuits.  

I forgot to include this guy in the photo.  A test paint early on for the Vallejo Shifters set.  Some sort of Matchbox toy.  It is used as any kind of light vehicle or transport.

 Perhaps these guys will even see action one day.


  1. This shimmering violet is awesome, Darren. I see so many different lines, but your paint job just merges it into one consistent force!

    1. Thanks Skully. The colors range from brilliant turquoise, down through the blue range, finally to a deep violet. It all depends on where the light hits the model. I have done the same scheme on GZG UNSC Hardsuit Marines with similar results.

    2. I love this army as actually currently working on my own version of it. Plus an Alien Merc/Telepathic Enslaver force. Big issue is focusing in.

    3. Thanks. Good luck on your project.


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