Wednesday 11 November 2020

15mm Sci Fi - GZG ESU Army on Parade

 After 7 straight  months of painting, almost every day, and 2000 models done, I am calling it quits (mostly), for 2020.  I am mentally and physically exhausted.  Before some stuff goes into their foam coffins I thought you might enjoy a Communist Parade.

Models are only placed on bases at the moment.  Alien Squad Leader uses 50mm squares for most things so they are on there just to give an idea of the number of units this force contains (either Human Imperial or Colonial Defense Force).

Alien Squad Leader Human Imperial / Colonial Defense Force

ESU Command Groups and Robotic Infantry

ESU Naval Infantry

ESU Heavy Infantry

Anti-Tank Gun Battery & Field Gun

Power Armor Platoon

Light Mecha / Heavy Droids

ESU Armor

Infantry Fighting Vehicles & Command APC

Experimental MBTs with laser cannons & Mobile Artillery

Heavy Tanks

Air Support

Heavy Weapon Platoons


  1. Awesome army! I may pick up a some of those armored vehicles. Well done.

  2. Wait - those are 15mm? That's amazing! Great work - I like how distinctive the command squad are.

    1. Yes, 15mm. I have regular command units that are in the same scheme, but I had extra ones and felt like doing something different, hence the red.

  3. How do make your bases? I am curious because I want to make mine look as nice. Both the individual and team.

    1. Sorry for the late reply. For the 50mm I just sand, paint and flock them with Woodland Scenics flock (earth, grass, soil and weeds, patches mixed together). The troops are sanded and painted with Tamiya Flat Earth, then flocked with the same Woodland Scenics flock.

    2. I also drybrush the sand an off white or light beige tone before flocking.


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