Sunday, 4 April 2021

Reaper Miniatures Wyvern - "Blacksting"

Yesterday I banged off this guy from Reaper Miniatures - Blacksting, a fearsome Wyvern from "The Forest of No Tomorrow" (sounds scary eh?).

Reaper Miniatures Blacksting, Wyvern

This was a very easy model to assemble - two wings, some flex paste for filler....thats it.  I decided upon a forest green scheme:

  • Vallejo Russian Green Primer with Vallejo NATO Green Primer as a lighter highlight.
  • Vallejo Model Air Camo Black Green basecoat
  • Vallejo Model Air Camo Green highlight
  • Vallejo Model Air Light Camo Green final lighlight.
  • Drybrushed all over with Reaper Master Serise Cats Eye Green, with a final light drybrush of Vallejo Green Sky.
  • Claws and Wing Tips Black, highlighted (glazed really) with Vallejo Game Color Imperial Blue and Magic Blue.
  • Vallejo Ivory for teeth
  • Vallejo Old Rose and Salmon Pink for the tongue.  

This was a quick paint job.  Nothing special.  But I am happy with him.  He is ready to hunt fresh prey.....with Elves being his favorite food.


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