Saturday, 24 April 2021

Ral Partha Bob Olley Cyclops

 Bob Olley is one of my favorite sculptors of fantasy miniatures.  He has a very distinctive style that I can recognize anywhere.  His Ogres and Trolls from Ral Partha are some of my favorite fantasy models of all time.  This guy below also falls into that category.  I had some time yesterday so I banged him out in about an hour or so, finally getting him out of my painting queue.  

Ral Partha Bob Olley Cyclops

This brute is true 25mm scale.  This means he is big, but not on the same scale as a Games Workshop Giant.  He is more modest, around 70mm tall.  He is painted in the same style as my Ral Partha Ogres:

  • Reaper Master Olive Skin Triad
  • Reaper Master Khaki Triad
  • Vallejo Cavalry Brown for the leather, washed with Army Painter Mid Brown Wash.
  • Vallejo Model Air Steel for the metal bits.
  • Vallejo Ivory for teeth and claws.

He is mounted on a 50mm base.  This allows me to use him as a large monster in many games, or as a unit filler for rank and flank games (possibly as a command group substitute).

Anyway, he was simple to paint and did not put up a fuss.  I might put a rock in his left hand along with some rocks on the base to represent a stockpile of throwable missiles.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for looking pal. Painting monsters is relaxing to me for some reason.

  2. Didn't know that one. Good job! You cannot go wrong with Bob Olley!

    1. Thanks Skully. Ral Partha Europe still makes him actually. They have a few obscure Olley figures actually.


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