This week seems to be Parade Week. These boys do not see a lot of action, but they are hungry: the 9th Armored Tactical Squadron of the Imperial Guard, 130 men and 4 battle droids, models from Alternative Armies Laserburn range.
A "typical" Imperial Assault group consists of:
1 Command Detachment
2 Infantry Platoons (25 men each)
1 Heavy Weapons Detachment
1 Blackguard Platoon (3 squads, 15 men total)
1 Power Armor Platoon (4 sqauds, 20 men strong)
1 Dreadnought Platoon (2 squads, 10 men strong)
The group is actually much stronger than a normal one.
Alternative Armies Laserburn Imperial Troopers
Imperial troopers are normally a tan color. However, their parade colors are a glorious red, fitting of such baroque armor. The scheme was simple, but a bit of a pain to do:
- Tamiya Royal Light Grey basecoat.
- Gloss Coat.
- GW Contrast Blood Angles Red.
- Vallejo Dark Panzer Grey for jet packs, washed with Army Painter Dark Tone.
- Reaper Afterburner Grey for all weapons, washed with Army Painter Dark Tone wash then highlighted with Reaper Cloudy Grey.
- Highlighting was done with Vallejo Vermillion, Reaper Phoenix Red and Vallejo Orange Red. Some dry brushing was done, but most of the highlighting was done with traditional layering.
- Laser Pistols were done with Vallejo Steel as were the swords (then given a coat of GW Contrast paint Aethermatic Blue)
- Pouches were done with grey primer then with GW Contrast Aggoros Dunes.
- Golds and other colors were used to pick out bits.
There is a lot of details on these models, especially trim. However, they are quite small compared to newer sculpts and I did not have the patience to do gold trim on arms and legs for 100 guys.
Normally you are not supposed to highlight contrast paints. However, I really didn’t like the effect I was able to achieve with them alone. Perhaps I am too picky. Funny enough (or just to spite me) the pictures don’t show the level of highlighting done, but it is visible with the MK 1 Eyeball.
Command Squad, lead my Major Tiberius. |
Laserburn Imperial Troopers - 1st Platoon, 25 men strong: two officers, 3 NCOs, 4 grenade launchers, 4 heavy bolters and 12 troopers. |
NCOs have white stripes on their helmets. Officers are armed with laser pistols and force swords.
Power Armor troopers are equipped with dual laser rifles on each arm along with a flamer and power fist. Support troops carry plasma cannons and dual barrel heavy bolters.
Imperial Battle Droids provide supporting fire in dangerous situations.
Dreadnought Platoon
Dreadnoughts are equipped with a double barrel heavy bolter, a left arm heavy laser, power fist and triple barrel missile launcher. The armor itself is resistant to all but the most powerful weapons.
2nd Platoon, 25 men strong.
I would certainly never use all of these fellows in a Laserburn game. However, Stargrunt, Tomorrows War and Alien Squad Leader games might see the whole group deploy for a mission (with armour support).