Sunday, 18 June 2023


My youngest son is a huge Godzilla fan.  I had this little guy kicking around so I re-painted it for him.  He can fill a variety of roles in either 28mm or 15mm games.  He is squatting (unglued) on a 50mm square which seems to be standard for monsters these days.  I will likely move him to a 50mm round eventually  

He was airbrushed in Vallejo Dark Camo Green, then drybrushed with a variety of lighter greens until I was happy with the look.  The shading was done selectively, and only in the recesses with Army Painter Military Shade

He is pretty small, no bigger than perhaps a 28mm Ogre or Troll. 

His radioactive breath is simply cotton, airbrushed in Vallejo Game Color Imperial Blue, Electric Blue and Glacier Blue.  

Saturday, 17 June 2023

28mm Fantasy - Tyrannosaurus Rex

Well, I am back painting again...slowly.  There were a lot of reasons for the hiatus.  One of the main ones is that quite simply, I had nothing to paint and nowhere to display it if I did.  

Anyway, I was inspired lately to convert an old D&D plastic miniature I had lying around, a Tyrannosaurus Rex.  With a quick visit to a Chaos Body-Chop-Shop he is ready for mayhem and murder.  I did two of these monstrosities; his brother is camera-shy.  

This guy was airbrushed in a simple scheme.

  • Vallejo Model Color Iraqi Sand (all over)
  • Vallejo Model Color Yellow Ochre (upper body)
  • Vallejo Model Color Burnt Umber (spine ridges)
  • Vallejo Model Color Burnt Umber mixed with German Grey (upper spine ridges)
  • Vallejo Model Color Camo Black Brown (the lower legs)

Random bits and some chain was all it took to convert this rather boring miniature.

After the airbrushing I used a variety of colors to drybrush the skin.

  • Vallejo Model Color Buff
  • Vallejo Model Color Dark Flesh
  • Vallejo Model Color Camo Olive Green

I'm a Unicorn Tyrannosaur.....with a sword arm and tail!

After the drybrushing I used a variety of Mig Filters to add transitions to the body.  

  • Brown for Sark & Desert Yellow
  • Tan for Tritonal Camo
  • Ochre for Light Sand
  • Orange for Desert Camo

The mouth and teeth were done in a dark brown, then picked out with:

  • Vallejo Model Color Violet Red
  • Vallejo Model Color Magenta
  • Vallejo Game Color Bone White
  • Vallejo Model Color Off-White

The metallic bits were very simple:

  • Vallejo Model Air Black Metallic
  • Vallejo Model Air Gunmetal (wet brushed)
  • Vallejo Model Air Steel (wet brushed)
  • Washed in selected areas with Army Painter Dark Tone

The base is not finished yet.  I need to get a 50x100 MDF base to finish him off.

Shake that ass!

He will probably make is debut in a Warhammer Fantasy game as a Chaos Slaughterbrute.  

As a footnote, this was what I had to work with.  

My eyes!  My eyes!  How horrid!

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