Yesterday was a semi-productive day for figure painting, 11 done. Not a huge number, but considering half of them were characters I call that a good day.
I had these guys kicking around for awhile. So, they received some much needed love (closeups always make my stuff look like shit ugh)
GZG Robots, Rebel Minis Android (Soulless) & Commissars/Assassins |
Robots and psychotic assassins/police. What could go wrong?
The metallic droids allowed me to play with the Vallejo Shifters paints again. You cannot tell from the photos at all, but they do change color...slightly, depending on their angle. Another 16 figures to go and my inventory will be almost clear.
On Saturday I managed to get a game of Five Parsecs in with a friend, Stephen, who was kind enough to join me in a Cooperative game. Sadly, I did not take photos of the two games we played. It was a long day and my attention span does not hold. Our band was outfitted with an upgraded shuttle on the planet Outpost, an Imperial world located in the Drexilthar subsector of the Reaver's Deep sector of the Third Imperium.
Our fateful crew of starport scum: bot (I call him Clint due to his bizarre accuracy with firearms), a human criminal (I am ashamed to say I forget his name), Wes Sykes (former miner), Ray Meers (former gang member and small time crook with stolen combat armor), Linda Collins (another former gang member and computer hacker and Ray's sister and Wes's lover)...and one Soulless...just because (he wanted to experience love I think). |
The first battle was against Kra'Vak colonists, an aggressive alien species native to this sector (K'Erin stand ins). Our party of 4 humans, 1 bot and a Soulless had to get across and exit the field. We got lucky and only had to deal with 4 Kra'Vak and their nasty pet dog. The battle raged around the central hill, with Kra’Vak warriors charging our position in the attempt to enter into a brawl. We killed them rather easily with very accurate fire from Clint and finished the mission. Only Clint went down during the fight, engaging during a duel with a rather excitable Kra’Vak (he had a Glare Sword and still lost). Luckily all Clint needed was a new paint job and he was ready to go.
Sadly, during the Post-Mission wrap up, Ray (one of my humans), misplaced his Combat Armor. :-/
How do you "misplace" Combat Armor?
Anyway, we made enough to pay off out shuttles debt and get some advanced bot training for our group (with two robotic crew members we figured this was a good idea).
The second game was more intense, "Shoot-Out at the Stardust Saloon".
Our group was ambushed by one of my rivals prior to embarking on our next mission. Apparently Ray's past finally caught up with him and a psychotic techno-gang of 8, lead by a renegade PSI leader tracked him down, upset at his latest scheme of selling contraband goods in their territory without paying the appropriate kickbacks. Ray is an idiot.
We added civilians to the mix (they counted as cover and would possibly flee due to gunfire...they intelligently fled soon after the blasters were firing). It was a straight up kill mission (ideally with our foes the ones who would be killed) or die.
Shoot-Out at the Stardust Saloon |
We advanced along the one axis of the town. The techno-gang was armed with infantry lasers and two shell guns. Luckily, the Outpost was plagued by "Reflective Dust", limiting their lasers effectiveness. We slowly and methodically eliminated each group of gangers, with the majority deciding to hide in various buildings to the horror of the terrified citizens. The did manage to take take pot shots from various windows throughout the game. The PSI leader took cover in the Last Chance Motel, trusting to his supernatural powers to save him.
Sadly, luck turned against us quickly (I am a jinx). Our trio of crew members (Ray, Wes and Linda) each fell to enemy fire in quick succession, as did our robot who bravely advanced down the center of town, blasters drawn taking the fight to the enemy.
However, in the end, our two remaining crew members finished off the gang (well most of them ran away actually, otherwise we would been in trouble) and their psionic leader. However, four of our characters were gunned down: our trusty bot gunslinger came out with only a couple of dents, however our carbon based units were not so lucky. Ray and Wes each lost a leg (they did not have enough credits to afford medical treatment) and, sadly, Linda lost her life, vaporized by the gang leader (at least it was quick).
Ray, your an idiot.
Linda, Ray and Wes are about to be in a world of hurt. Ray was making due with Halloween Costume combat armor at the time. |
Despite this setback it was a good time and we plan on revisiting the Drexilthar Subsector soon.