Monday, 26 April 2021

Reaper Miniatures Cthulhu

HP Lovecraft is my favorite novelist, so when Reaper Miniatures released this figure decades ago I of course picked it up.  He has been in the back of my display case forever, so feeling bad for him I thought he might enjoy a Sunday photo-shoot.  I took his silence on the matter as acquiescence.  

Reaper Miniatures Cthulhu

When I painted him I was only just beginning to start painting miniatures again regularly, after years of not painting a thing.  He turned out ok...nothing special really.  I added some fire effects to add color and interest.  There were no GW washes in existence during this period, so I used my own homemade Reaper Walnut Brown wash.  

I could repaint him to a higher standard today, but in general, unless there is a compelling reason to, I do not repaint figures that I have already done.  I keep them as a testament to my skill level at different periods of my life.  From recollection, I used Reaper Master Series paints, with a lot of drybrushing and some wet blending on the tentacles.  There is more definition on the skin than is shown in the photos...bad lighting....must improve that in future shots.  

He is mounted on a 60mm x 60mm base.  He was a bit big for 50mm and 60mm is perfect for Hordes of the Things (which uses 60mm frontages for all units, with base depth varying according to the unit type).   

Anyway, he makes a good Demon Prince or otherwise unpleasant thing for my opponents to face.  Sadly, like many of my miniatures he does not get a chance to play with others that often.

Sunday, 25 April 2021

Reaper Miniature - Kaladrax the Dracolich

 Kaladrax needs no introduction.  He exists, and if you meet him, you will not.  

Reaper Miniatures Kaladrax the Dracolich

I managed to scoop this model up years and years ago, for $25 USD.  A song!  I painted him...but I don't remember how, mainly because I was terrified while doing it.  

"These two fools don't even make a satisfying snack...they are too small!"

Kaladrax has new friends! [aka slaves]

Mortals tremble, for Kaladrax is here. [whimper]

Saturday, 24 April 2021

Ral Partha Bob Olley Cyclops

 Bob Olley is one of my favorite sculptors of fantasy miniatures.  He has a very distinctive style that I can recognize anywhere.  His Ogres and Trolls from Ral Partha are some of my favorite fantasy models of all time.  This guy below also falls into that category.  I had some time yesterday so I banged him out in about an hour or so, finally getting him out of my painting queue.  

Ral Partha Bob Olley Cyclops

This brute is true 25mm scale.  This means he is big, but not on the same scale as a Games Workshop Giant.  He is more modest, around 70mm tall.  He is painted in the same style as my Ral Partha Ogres:

  • Reaper Master Olive Skin Triad
  • Reaper Master Khaki Triad
  • Vallejo Cavalry Brown for the leather, washed with Army Painter Mid Brown Wash.
  • Vallejo Model Air Steel for the metal bits.
  • Vallejo Ivory for teeth and claws.

He is mounted on a 50mm base.  This allows me to use him as a large monster in many games, or as a unit filler for rank and flank games (possibly as a command group substitute).

Anyway, he was simple to paint and did not put up a fuss.  I might put a rock in his left hand along with some rocks on the base to represent a stockpile of throwable missiles.

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Warhammer Fantasy - Dark Elf Converted Cold One Knight

 I managed to paint this bad boy up the other day: a converted Dark Elf Cold One Knight.  The mount is from Ral Partha, and the GW metal Dark Elf fit perfectly on this monstrosity.  The mounts have been in my inventory for years (10 of them), but until now I did not have a reason to paint them or their Ogre riders.  That will likely change now.  Stay tuned.

Since Dino is so long I mounted him on a 100mm x 50mm base.  He can be used as either a chariot or as a unit filler of 4 models for Warhammer Fantasy or Oathmark (in a block of Cold One Knights of course).  I could have perhaps mounted him in a 50mm base, but the overhang would have been rather large on both ends of the mount.  That would have bothered me a lot.  I prefer models to have bases that are appropriate for their actual size. 

The paint scheme was simple enough:

  • Vallejo Model Air NATO Green Primer
  • Vallejo Model Color Lufewaffe Camo Green (airbrushed on)
  • Vallejo Model Color German Camo Bright Light Green (drybrushed)
  • Vallejo Model Color Golden Olive (light drybrush)
  • Reaper Stained Ivory, Yellowed Bone, Creamy Ivory and Vallejo Model Color Ivory for the horns
  • Vallejo Model Color Leather Brown for the saddle and straps, highlighted with Vallejo Tan Earth
  • Vallejo Game Color Earth for the sacks
  • Reaper Graveyard Bone for the skull
  • Vallejo Model Color German Camo Black Brown for the saddle fur
  • Any flesh color for the head trophy
  • Vallejo Model Color Mahogany Brown for the axe.
  • Vallejo Model Air Steel for all metal bits
  • I only used washes on specific areas: teeth and sacks.  My go-tos are Army Painter Soft Tone and Strong Tone for  most things, with GW Reikshade Flesh tone for mouths and gums.

I have added a shield to this fellow since taking these photos.  

Now, go forth and slay High Elves!

Warhammer Fantasy - Dark Elf Corsairs

 A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to inherit several Warhammer Fantasy Armies from a friend  (we shall call him Chris) who no longer plays or dabbles in the hobby.  Dark Elves, Chaos Warriors of Nurgle and Ogre Kingdoms are now mine (for a price of course $$$).  Chris was a very good painter so I am quite lucky to have an opportunity to have his stuff in my collection (especially since he was my prime opponent, I am quite familiar with these forces, having faced them in battle many times).

Most of Chris's forces were painted, however there were some which were either partially done or in a virgin state.  The unit below, Dark Elf Black Ark Corsairs were virgin models.  Last weekend I attacked this unit, determined to paint it up in the same scheme as the rest of his army (which I will showcase soon).  

Warhammer Dark Elf Black Ark Corsairs

These models are old...all metal.  Overall they were an easy painting project.  I decided to go with green Sea Dragon Cloaks....although a black might have looked better from an "evilish" standpoint.  

The models had a simple scheme:
  • Vallejo Black Primer
  • Vallejo Model Air NATO Green Primer
  • Vallejo Steel for metal parts.
  • Sea Dragon Cloak drybrushed in Reaper Master Naga Green & Cats Eye Green, Vallejo Green Sky.
  • Clothing was done in Vallejo Game Color Hexed Lichen, Vallejo Model Violet Red, Vallejo Game Color Warlord Purple and Vallejo Model Color Magenta.  Basically all wet blended together.
  • Skin was done in Reaper Master Series Tanned Skin Triad.

Lokhir Fellheart leads his regiment of Corsairs to capture High Elf slaves.....he is a believer of zero unemployment for High Elves.

Corsairs were one unit which I never saw much on the field.  Chris rarely played models which were unpainted.  Now, after more than a decade in storage, they are ready to rumble.  

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Dark Elf Supreme Sorceress

This will be a quick post.  This girl was dying for a paint job.  How could I say no?

She came from a friend...not sure of the manufacturer.  Looks like a Reaper miniature.


She is ready to play.......

Monday, 19 April 2021

Reaper Miniatures - Young Forest Dragon

 This weekend I managed to bang out a few miniatures, odds and ends I had lying around.  This one in particular was overdue to be completed: a Reaper Miniatures Young Forest Dragon.  

I picked this up for my wife awhile ago, do add to her growing dragon collection.  He was smaller than the usual ones I paint, but no less detailed.

Reaper Miniatures Young Forest Dragon

There were several color choices on the table for this fellow, but in the end I settled on a muted green color, similar to lichen or a forest moss.  

  • Vallejo NATO Green Primer
  • Vallejo Model Air Black Green
  • Vallejo Model Air Camo Green
  • Vallejo Model Air Light Camo Green (just a light highlight)
  • Reaper Master Series Camo Green for the lower scales.  Highlighted with a mix of Camo Green and Vallejo Dead Flesh.
  • Drybrushed Vallejo Model Color Gunship Green, Reaper Master Series Highland Moss and Pale Lichen
  • Reaper Master Series Stained Ivory, Yellowed Bone, Creamy Ivory and Vallejo Model Color Ivory for the horns and teeth.  Horns washed in Army Painter Soft Tone.
  • Vallejo Old Brown Rose for the Tongue, with the whole mouth then washed GW Crimson Wash and GW Reikshade Flesh.  Then highlighted with Ivory and Pink.
  • Eyes received a black lining with Vallejo Model Color Light Yellow for the eye, followed by a dot of black.
Notice I do not use a lot of washes...especially an overall wash.  The effect is usually ruinous to my airbrushing technique.  Washes are only used in selected areas....very sparingly.

I mounted him on a 50mm square base.  This lets him fit a number of small monster roles on the battlefield, or as a large unit filler to infantry on 25mm square bases.  Perhaps a tamed monster?

"Down boy!  Down!"

He was not difficult at all to paint really, and makes a nice addition to my wife's brood.

Friday, 9 April 2021

Warhammer - Converted Chaos Lord on a Dragon

This week I added another dragon to my collection, this time a custom job.  A friend of mine assembled this monster many years ago but he was left unpainted and unfinished.  This week he came to live with me and was rewarded with paint.

Chaos Lord on a Dragon

This guy could be used in a number of games.  Endless adventure awaits the Chaos Moses and Puff the Magic Dragon!

This was a fun model to paint.  Needless to say he desires to get out and stretch his wings in a game.

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Warhammer - Demon Prince of Nurgle

 This week I was lucky enough to have a good friend sell me his entire Warhammer Fantasy collection.  Dark Elves, Chaos and Ogres were among the armies which are now displayed in my den.  

Almost all of the models were completely painted, with some requiring only some final touches and or basecoats and highlights.  This fellow was one of them.  I thought it fitting to finish a demon prince first before moving unto other models.  He was basecoated and just needed highlights and washes   

Warhammer Demon Prince of Nurgle

There are many more to come.  Oh so many.

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Ral Partha - Giant Lizardman

 Who does not love Giant Lizardmen?  These fellows were produced by Ral Partha decades ago.  They are massive models, standing 70mm tall.  

Ral Partha Giant Lizardman

These figures were quite simple to paint (all airbrushed on):
  • Vallejo Model Air Russian Green Primer
  • Vallejo model Air NATO Green Primer as a highlight
  • Vallejo Model Air Camo Black Green on the hair
  • Vallejo Model Air Camo Green on all skin areas
  • Vallejo Model Air Camo Light Green as a highlight on all raised skin areas
  • Light drybrush of Reaper Master Series Cats Eye Green followed by Vallejo Sky Green
  • Hair drybrushed in Vallejo Flat Green

These figures could be used in just about any role: generic giants, demonic beings or in Oathmark, as an Eachy, a mythical giant lake monster.  

Citadel Miniatures - Warhammer Realms of Chaos Minotaurs

Minotaurs have always been one of my favorite fantasy monsters.  My first memory of one comes from the D&D Module B2 - Keep on the Borderlands.  The man-eating monster with a giant spear, with whom you could possibly bargain with captured my imagination right away.  Needless to say, I love painting minotaurs.

Citadel Miniatures Minotaurs

These chaps are from Citadel Miniatures, back from the late 80s, early 90s.  Strangely enough, in those days Minotaurs were supposed to be based on 25mm bases.  They work much better on 40mm.  

"Who needs a head works well enough."

Anger Issues
These guys were a blast to paint.  They basically have the same scheme: Reaper Master Series Olive Skin Triad and dark brown fur.  

Angry boy was a simple conversion.  He was unarmed so I took a poor hapless Empire State Trooper and....well, you get the idea; I would have preferred to use a High Elf.  

There are of course many more where these came from, mainly from the mid and late 1990s.  They are camera shy though.  

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