HP Lovecraft is my favorite novelist, so when Reaper Miniatures released this figure decades ago I of course picked it up. He has been in the back of my display case forever, so feeling bad for him I thought he might enjoy a Sunday photo-shoot. I took his silence on the matter as acquiescence.
Reaper Miniatures Cthulhu |
When I painted him I was only just beginning to start painting miniatures again regularly, after years of not painting a thing. He turned out ok...nothing special really. I added some fire effects to add color and interest. There were no GW washes in existence during this period, so I used my own homemade Reaper Walnut Brown wash.
I could repaint him to a higher standard today, but in general, unless there is a compelling reason to, I do not repaint figures that I have already done. I keep them as a testament to my skill level at different periods of my life. From recollection, I used Reaper Master Series paints, with a lot of drybrushing and some wet blending on the tentacles. There is more definition on the skin than is shown in the photos...bad lighting....must improve that in future shots.
He is mounted on a 60mm x 60mm base. He was a bit big for 50mm and 60mm is perfect for Hordes of the Things (which uses 60mm frontages for all units, with base depth varying according to the unit type).
Anyway, he makes a good Demon Prince or otherwise unpleasant thing for my opponents to face. Sadly, like many of my miniatures he does not get a chance to play with others that often.