I have not painted anything this week. Too much going on, especially at work. I have had these boys on my table for over a month, waiting for games which did not happen. So, before putting them away here they are on parade, the DPRG.
The DPRG (Democratic People's Republic of Glory) are a faction from Ambush Alley's Tomorrows War game (think sci-fi North Korea, except not as nice). The models are made by Ground Zero Games. Flash was almost non existent and they all cleaned up rather well. I flushed out the force with some Khurasan Red Faction infantry, GZG ESU Powered Armor and GZG robotic drones (machine guns and missiles).
The force below is based on 50x50mm bases for Alien Squad Leader. I use blue tac to attach the individual models, allowing me to use them in a variety of games. The force contains 12 squads of infantry, two HQ groups, two heavy weapons groups, 2 teams of power armor, four mobile weapons platforms and two groups of robotic infantry.
Not really much else to say other than here they are.
DPRG on Parade |
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ESU Power Armor |
Onwards, for our Dear Leader! |
Heavy Weapons Teams |
DPRG Infantry |
Forward! |
Khurasan Red Faction Infantry |
Robotic Infantry (6mm GZG Dirtside Mechs) |
GZG Drone Tanks |
DPRG Infantry |