Saturday, 10 August 2024

Clear Horizon 15mm Apocalypse Tank

Hello all. No, this blog is not dead. I have been absent online, but I have been painting, now and then this past year.  Remember, I am a lazy blogger. 

So, to restart things a little, here is some vehicle eye candy, the Apocalypse Super Heavy Tank by Clear Horizons.  I painted this beast in the same manner as the mammoth tracked Tohlic APC from Alternative Armies. See my other blog post for this paint recipie.  The only difference is that I washed it in Polyshades Tudor after painting.  There were too many lines and nick knacks on the model to shade completely with an airbrush. 

Clear Horizons 15mm Apocalypse Super Heavy Tank

I added a couple of Old Crow Gladius hover tanks to the mix as well.  They were kicking around and needed a home. 

The paint scheme, a rich red, matches my Laserburn Imperial Troopers.  Since it is Far-Future Sci Fi, realism be damned. 

The Apocalypse measures 100mm x 60mm

Overall I am pleased with the result. It goes with the Tohlic APC and gives my Laserburn Imperial Troops some much needed punch. 


  1. What a ripper - I have been eying that off too!
    Your Martian wastes camo scheme looks spot on to me :-)

    1. It's a lovely model. No clean up at all. For some reason I love red on sci fi. I was going to do a traditional 3 tone camo but I am happy with this one.

    2. You nailed it with that burnt orange look

    3. Thanks Paul. I need to add some smaller APCs and another hover tank. I have some smaller grav strike tanks from Alternative Armies which will be added too. They will be vehicles for my Imperial Army Scout detachment.


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