Sometimes it pays to have packages you never open. Years ago I purchased a set of 15mm Old Crow grav vehicles (the reason being long forgotten). Upon cleaning my shed I found this buried treasure and promptly painted them up.
If anyone guessed, I have a special place in my heart for the 40K Steel Legion for the Imperial Guard. Without having any better ideas I decided to use that scheme for this force. The pattern was simple: Tamiya NATO Black, Vallejo Model Air Dark Sea Grey, Tamiya Green Gray followed by a highlight of Vallejo Game Color Dead Flesh (all airbrushed). When done I gave them a wash of Minwax Tudor. Stowage was picked out with various model air colors (by hand of course).
I always fully mechanize any infantry forces I field. Glaive APCs & Lancer.
15mm Old Crow Glaive Grav APC |
Infantry need armor support. Gladius Grav tanks support the advance.
15mm Old Crow Lancer Grav APC & Gladius Grav Tanks |
Heavy armor is always present, just in case. Sabre heavy grav tanks are just the thing.
15mm Old Crow Sabre Grav Heavy Tank |
Finally, some add hoc support units: MRLS support along with a pair of light mecha for urban fighting.
15mm Old Crow Gladius Missile Tank & Battletech Marauder Mechs |
These boys will fit with will my GZG Outrim Coalition and UNSC infantry forces.
Advice: vehicle stowage is a great way to cover up mistakes made during model assembly or painting.