Saturday, 14 May 2016

Old Crow 15mm Sci Fi Hammers Slammers Hover Tanks

Getting back to 15mm Sci fi: here is something that I have had kicking around in my display cabinet forever, Hammers Slammers Blower Hover Tanks from Old Crow.

Like I have said in the past, I love Jez's stuff from Old Crow.  His models are clean, require almost no clean up, are cost effective and quite modular.  If you play 15mm sci fi you simply must check out his stuff.

The models below are a mix of command and regular hover tanks.  They were airbrushed in Vallejo chrome and Vallejo Russian Green Color Modulation kit.  The vents I just painted a black grey and the other odds and ends various colors.  They are used as a basic generic high tech heavy tank force that can be attached to any of my other sci fi human armies.  Normally I would not paint armor in a metallic paint but these tanks represent a higher level of technology than my other forces and as such camo patterns are unnecessary due to their sheer awesomeness.

Old Crow Hammers Slammers Blower Tank

Hammers Slammers Blower Tank


  1. Nice job. Particularly the shading on the bottoms.

    1. Thanks! I can thank the airbrush for that. Simple color modulation of three different greens.

  2. Always liked these but you can't find the rest of the Old Crow line right now.
    The Hammers Slammers Blower tanks and combat cars have been picked up by
    Ainsty Castings:

    1. Jez still manufactures all of his old stuff. I have had no problem ordering additional slammers stuff.

    2. Oh, last I'd seen was he was taking a hiatus of sorts, I'll check it out thanks!


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