Sunday, 28 June 2015

15mm Sci Fi Infantry for Gruntz and Tomorrows War

It has been a long time since I uploaded anything on this blog.  To be honest, I have done very little since February.  I have not played any 15mm games in months and it has been well over a year since I played any Warhammer or similar Fantasy game.  My opponent base is currently zero and chances of it increasing any time soon are nil.

In any case, I have not painted anything new in months.  Most of what I have is done and money prevents me from starting any new projects.  However, I have taken some photos of just a small fraction of some of my 15mm Sci Fi troops.  These photos are mainly for the 15mm Gruntz game cards.  So, the photos are not comprehensive nor do they show all the different troop types that I have available.

All of the models are from either Ground Zero Games or Khurasan.

GZG Powered Armor

GZG NAC Infantry

GZG Command Squad

GZG Rotary Cannon Team

GZG USMC Infantry

Khurasan Android Troopers

GZG German Infantry

GZG Combat Drones

GZG Robotic Drones

GZG German Heavy Powered Armor

GZG German Light Powered Armor

GZG Combat Robots

Khurasan Neo-Soviet Infantry

GZG DRPG Infantry
Khurasan Neo Soviet Mortar Team
Khurasan Neo Soviet ATGM Team
GZG Gun Drones
GZG Phalons
GZG DRPG Powered Armor



  1. Not sure how I missed this but some very nice stuff there!
    Love the twin rotary cannon armed vehicle in particular - who makes that?

    1. Thanks. Old Crow makes that flyer. The rotary cannon barrels are from them as well. I used some stowage bits from GZG to make the undercarriage and ammo storage for the gun. You could just glue the barrel onto the underside of the wing though. I was trying to replicate the WH 40K Forge World Vulture Gunship with twin linked rotary cannons.

    2. And very nice it is - you did a great job on that.

      Actually, I originally meant the 8 wheel ground vehicle about half way thought the post.

    3. Ah, that is Old Crow as well. Claymore Heavy APC. Comes with your choice of turret. Old Crow is very modular. An excellent miniature line. Most of the vehicles come either Tracked, Wheeled, Hover or Grav. Here is the link to the catalogue.


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