No this blog is not dead. Quite simply I have not been painting for roughly 30 months. However, I am in the process of another round of 15mm painting and will be showcasing some new material shortly.
Anyway, years ago I was into 40K, specifically Imperial Guard and Chaos Space Marines. I have long since sold off those massive armies I collected (for thousands of dollars in profit), but the photos survive. So, in the interim I will showcase part of that collection: specifically the Steel Legion.
Ten years ago I collected a massive Steel Legion army: 24+ vehicles, gunships and 300+ of the old Steel Legion metal figures. Every vehicle option was magnetized for each vehicle (I was certainly insane then) and many of the figures were also customized.
The vehicles were my first attempt at airbrushing anything. I used Citadel paints at the time (Shadow Grey and Rotting Flesh). They were a BITCH to thin and use in the airbrush. I have long since switched to Tamiya paints for all my airbrushing needs.
The Forge World Medusas and Basilisks were a Christmas present from my wife. Medusas were especially brutal since they ignored armor saves. Yes the artillery shell comes out of the breech too.
a battery of Imperial Guard Forge World Medusa mortars |
Forge World Basilisk |
Manticore |
missiles were magnetized to allow for ammo tracking |
Main battle tanks will be the next installment.