This weekend I finished the last of my Battletech mechs for my Draconis Combine Genyosha Regiment. That regiment now consists of 51 mechs, 20 armored vehicles, 10 infantry platoons, 4 VTOLs and 2 aerospace fighters. Fat chance I will ever use it all at once.
Anyway, there is not much to say here. The last 14 mechs were done in my standard Sci-Fi Grey, to match the rest of the regiment. They consisted of (2) Marauders, Highlander, Flashman, (2) Warhammers, (3) Locusts, Griffin, Crab, Hornet, Panther and Mongoose. This rounds out my force and provides a rather large selection of mechs to choose from.
For the most part these were a pain in the ass to assemble. The Highlander was an absolute nightmare. 13 pieces I do believe. One could pose the model in just about any pose you wanted, however I spent more time gluing myself together I think. The Locusts were a pain as well, with separate feet and legs. The rest were somewhere in the middle between easy and annoying.
With House Kurita done I am very close to finishing my Battletech models sitting on my shelf. I will now be focusing on finishing off the 20 mechs and 20 vehicles for House Davion. Once that is complete my Battletech painting days will be over.
Reinforcements! |
Locust, Light Battlemechs |
Warhammer, Heavy Battlemechs |
Hornet, Light Battlemech |
Mongoose, Light Battlemech |
Flashman, Heavy Battlemech |
Crab, Medium Battlemech |
Griffin, Medium Battlemech |
Highlander, Assault Battlemech |
Marauder, Heavy Battlemech |
Panther, Light Battlemech |
Warhammer, Heavy Battlemech |