Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Otherworld Miniatures - Hobgoblins & Owlbear

This weekend I realized that these boys below have never had a photo shoot: my Otherworld Miniatures Hobgoblins and Owlbear.  Today, they finally have their day in the sun.  The band consists of 43 models, 1 wizard,  12 arches and 30 infantry.  

I painted these 10+ years ago, to go with a Warhammer 3E Chaos Warband that I was building.  The numbers quickly increased from a dozen to several.  The line consists of several different poses, with both hand weapons, spears, polearms and bows.  

Otherworld Miniatures Hobgoblins

Originally, I had planned for them to be part of a Chaos Khorne warband, hence the skull standard.  However, the band is now large enough to use in stand alone games of Dragon Rampant, or as a small allied contingent in Warhammer or Oathmark.

Hobgoblin Chiefs lead from the front, flanked by his personal guard

They are not works of art, but it was the best I could do at the time.

The Owlbear make a perfect Indrik for Oathmark.

Otherworld Miniatures Owlbear

Hobgoblin Shaman

One dozen archers is the perfect size for almost any game.

Hobgoblin Archers

Today, I would never amass such a horde from Otherworld Miniatures.  The models are now $5 GBP each, far too expensive for army level games.


  1. A beautiful collection and nice photography!

    1. Thanks Mouse. I only wish I got a chance to use them more than once a decade.
