Friday, 12 February 2021

Perry Miniatures - War of the Roses Light Cavalry

 Well, after a month of continuous painting I am almost through my 28mm Perry Miniatures War of the Roses Miniatures.  I saved the cavalry for last (for whatever reason).

The one thing that I found annoying with this kit was the lack of instructions.  The kits seem to be designed for someone who knows how to assemble historical models.  This one in particular was challenging since you could make lancers, crossbowmen or archers.  The issue with this was what to put where on the actual models.  

These took 5 days from start to finish.  

Historically, Europeans did not field mounted archers.  They did not have the cultural background, skills, mounts or necessary terrain for such troops.  Mounted Crossbowmen were fielded by the Germans in the late 1400, but they behaved more like light cavalry than anything else.  In any case, I went with this setup since I felt it gave me the most flexibility than simple lancers.  In hindsight I would have done a few things differently.  But hey, this is my first time with this kit.  They will make an appearance in Oathmark and Lion/Dragon Rampant.

Riders and mounts were done separately.  There are so many bits of this and that to paint that doing the whole model at once would have been a nightmare.  I airbrushed the horses two colors of Vallejo brown.  I could have went for more variations but I am lazy.  When doing dozens of horses one has to compromise somewhere.  

Spots add some variation to the horses.  There are a lot.  You cannot see them for the picture angle though, mainly because I am a lazy photographer.  

They are organized into two units of 6 riders each, with a musician for each one.  

Uniforms are a continuation of the Burgundian theme.  I hate white.  Painting the crosses is a huge pain in the ass.  Why did I choose this livery?  Likely because I am an idiot.  

Well, this brings me very close to finishing my Burgundians.  Only 12 heavy cavalry to go.  They will be easier to complete then these guys.  Far less individual parts to paint.  I am indifferent to these guys.  They turned out ok, but I could have done better.  I am learning how to paint Perry kits though, which is very helpful.  


  1. Nice work on those Burgundians, a big fan of the aperry figures in this range

    I am working my way through French and Swiss myself.

    French Wargame Holidays

    1. Thanks Matt. The Perry stuff is nice and very affordable. Much more so than most manufacturers. Even their metal models are cheap compared to most companies.
