Tuesday, 8 December 2020

15mm Sci Fi - Alternative Armies Double Feature: HOF Big Mouth Beast & Large Sadistic Demons

 Its been a few days since I have posted anything new.  I am a lazy blogger, but, I do try to paint something every day (and a lot has been painted since my last entry).

This past week I managed to finish some of the bozos below, which are part of a much larger GZG Ixx (aka Vallax in my universe) force (which is also now done).  My Alien Squad Leader armies are getting new friends....yay!  First up, the Alternative Armies Big Mouth Beast, who responds to the sound of "Pierre".

The model was simple in design: two legs and a mouth.  However, I managed to bugger it up, building the model in a more "upright" pose than what was intended by the sculptor.  It works, but I made a lot more work for myself since I had to sand parts which I thought were not molded properly.  Ugh.  Gavin at Alternative Armies pointed this out to me later on; Egg meet Face.  

Anyway, I did not have any ideas for skin tones, so I went with what I  had just finished painting en-mass: Ixx skin.  I admit I did not spend a lot of time in the sky. I just wanted him done. 

  • White Primer
  • GW Contrast Plaguebearer Flesh
  • Black dots and scales.
  • Reaper Splintered bone teeth
  • GW Contrast Darkoathflesh for the interior of the mouth.
  • GW Contrast Pink for the tongue.  
  • GW Contrast Nazdreg Yellow on small areas for accents
  • Washed in Minwax Pecan Polyshades.
  • Alternative Armies Hordes of the Future: Big Mouth Beast (aka Pierre)

Pierre loves to tip-toe through the woods on Altair IV.

Peek-a-Boo...Pierre sees you!

Pierre is happy.

Pierre loves to meet new friends.

This is a stock image of the same model.  I built mine with a slightly different pose, which no doubt contributed to my issues with the assembly of the legs.  It is a very unique model which makes me smile when I see it.  So in the end, I am happy.

After finishing Pierre I turned my attentions to five models in my WIP area which I had not bothered to think about: Alterative Armies Large Sadistic Demons, also known as Flesharons.  These bizarre aliens were originally released decades ago for 25mm.  However, they do fit in 15mm games as large aliens.  For simplicity sake I decided that these things would come from the same universe as the Ixx (Vallax), likely created as some kind of bio-weapon.  So, demonstrating more of my tremendous originality I painted them exactly like the Ixx.  

Alternative Armies Large Sadistic Demons (aka Flesharons) on Altair IV.

The Bio-Tank will likely be used as a Crewed Weapon or Armored Fighting Vehicle (Crawler) in Alien Squad Leader.  The Flesharon Warrior will be used as Characters for Primitive units.

Large Sadistic Demon Bio-Tank and Warrior

The Demonic Master will sub in as part of a Heavy Weapons Team, whereas the Drone will become Character, a Telepathic Master (he may be small, but he is very smart).

Large Sadistic Demon Drone & Master...if I looked like that I would hide my face too.

The only issue I had with these models were faint mold lines along each of the domed heads.  Not a big deal to clean with a file though.  That is expected with any metal model.

The models are big.  Towering over regular 15mm figures.  They are also all metal.

Flesharons and GZG Colonist (aka dinner)

"Do not gaze upon the ugly humanoid my brothers.  Shun him."

Overall I am happy with how they all turned out.  None of them took long and the colors are more vibrant than I normally paint.  They will be making a group appearance in a Alien Squad Leader Alien Enslaver army which is just been completed.  

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