Saturday, 19 September 2020

15mm Sci Fi - GZG Crusty Power Armor


Alien Power Armor.  What is not to like.  Finding such miniatures though is rather difficult.  They are few and far between.  Thankfully GZG comes through with just what I needed, alien power armor from the Crusty line.

The backpacks are optional and did require a little cleanup beforehand.  Minor flash, that sort of stuff.  I wanted the unit to have a stark contrast with my regular Crusty infantry, which were done in a Tamiya yellow with white and orange weapons.  Basically, yellow for the regular grunts and black for the elite warrior caste troopers.

GZG Crusty Power Armor

The scheme I chose for these peeps was very simple:

  1. Tamiya German Grey basecoat.
  2. Weapons - Tamiya Metallic Grey
  3. Army Painter Dark Tone wash.
  4. Weapons - Vallejo Orange Red with Reaper Master Paints - Explosion Orange and Marigold Yellow for highlights
  5. Vallejo Grey White for accents, followed by White.
  6. Eyes - MIG Titanium Blue over a chrome basecoat
  7. Edge highlights done with Tamiya Grey weathering pigments

Anyone who has seen a certain sci fi movie knows who these boys are supposed to be.  Suffice to say they are spot on for quality and capturing a truly alien feel.  The force is 36+ strong and plays the role of an Alien Imperial Strike Force or an Alien Warrior Caste army in Alien Squad Leader games.


  1. Totally agree with you, they're great models and I like your take on them as well. The orange provides a fantastic contrast to the dark armour.

  2. Yes I agree the orange and bits of white really catch the eye. Nice work!
