Thursday, 30 July 2020

15mm Sci Fi - Khurasan Corsair Battlesuits

My wife and I have been camping at Lake St. Peter Provincial Park for this past week so my painting has of course taken a hiatus.  However, I managed to get these done yesterday when I had some free time after we got home

15mm Khurasan Corsair Battlesuits: they remind me of the soldiers from the original book Starship Troopers.  They are highly posable figures which required minimal cleanup.  There are a range of backpacks for each figure to choose from.  My original intention was to have the targeting pack on all four, but I was an idiot and totally missed the fact that I used the wrong ones on two of them until it was too late. 

The paint scheme is not the most inspiring: Tamiya JN Grey, Reaper Afterburner Grey accents, Tamiya Clear Red and Metallic Blue accents, washed with Minwax Tudor Polyshades.  I could have highlighted them with Vallejo US Light Grey which would have been a perfect match, but due to general laziness I decided to forgo that.   I will likely add some decals at some point.


  1. Brilliant thanks for sharing inspirational work....

  2. On my to buy list since years. Now even more so.
